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RESCHEDULED Fall 2023 Zurich, Switzerland --The Energetics of Intimacy and Attachment--with Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT, SEP

Exploring the subtleties of the body in relationship.

This workshop examines: “What happens in myself, my body, and my being while in relation to others?”

It examines the layers of physiological and emotional experience that occur while being in proximity with others. You do not need to be in a couple relationship to get great benefit from this program. Nor does your partner need to be present. The weekend will be both experiential and educational, and professionals will walk away with valuable new ways of working with couples and individuals who struggle with intimacy.

You will discover the subtle and not-so-obvious ways that you engage intimately, and how to open to new and yet-to-be explored possibilities of joy, closeness and pleasure. The goal is to identify authentic availability vs reactive boundaries, leading to greater freedom to explore your sexy self playfully in new and different ways, without shame.

After the weekend participants will:

  • Come away with a clearer understanding of the subtle levels of relating that occur under conscious awareness

  • Understand how your attachment style influences your true embodied self

  • Recognize, and reduce old trauma, to enable genuine wants and needs to emerge.....and learn to communicate these effectively

  • Learn tools for staying present and embodied

  • Identify and embody deep desires and yearnings, and notice what gets in the way of opening to them

    Plus many more!

    The workshop is open to:

  • Individuals, either coupled or not, and actively sexual, or not who want to improve their physical, emotional or sexual intimacy.

  • Couples wanting to discover and challenge all that gets in the way of deeper intimacy

  • Singles who are hoping to find satisfying relationships

  • Therapists who work with any of the above above

For cost and to register, contact the Polarity Center in Zurich: